At the PPA rally on Tuesday, it was revealed that Representative Joseph Barton (R-TX) will introduce a bill that would repeal the UIGEA and declare poker a game of skill, not chance. I don’t want to stop getting my hopes up every time one of these poker savior bills are talked up. But there have been many (Rep. Frank’s bill, for example…), and none have panned out. Frankly, none have come close. It’s almost like a parent stringing a child along knowing full well that she is not going to buy the kid the G.I. Joe aircraft carrier. (Sorry, wrong blog.) Still, I can’t prevent myself from getting excited every time I hear of one of these bills. It’s just so darn promising, in theory. It’s that hope that comes from the promise of the unknown. And while intellectually I know all of these bills are long shots, I can’t help but hope this is the one that pans out. So here’s to hoping, and to never giving up on the collector’s edition Millennium Falcon.

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