Tag: russo

Challenge to Washington Online Poker Ban Ends

As every poker-playing Seattle resident knows, it is a felony(!) to play online poker in Washington state.  An intrepid man named Lee Russo has been engaged in a multi-year war to end this injustice.  He has not been successful, including a recent loss at the Washington Supreme Court (which is the highest court in the state).  After what he and the PPA call “long and careful consideration,” he has decided not to appeal further.  This marks the end of any short-term hope of overturning the law through the judicial branch.  Can’t fault the guy.  His next “best” option was to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.  And his chances of having that appeal heard, let alone winning, are about as good as sucking out for that inside straight-flush against quads by hoping there’s a misdeal and that exposed card needs to be reshuffled back into the deck.  Basically, they are not good.  At least Washington has live poker.  More than can be said for some states.  (New York comes to mind…)